Is this going to be your first time buying a mattress for your bed? Or are you looking for honest reviews on the mattress that you are looking for? Help yourself here in my mattress blog

Organic Mattress

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Organic Cotton and Wool Mattress

How did you interpret the title of this post? I presumed (correctly) that you were thinking that the mattress that I am going to tell you in this article is containing natural materials; organic cotton and organic wool. Unfortunately, that is not the case here. This is exactly how some mattress companies play with the words and the structure of their sales pitches. In marketing world, words are wisdom and they can be manipulated; twisted and turned to hypnotize you into thinking what you are thinking. To some extent, some geniuses may be able to perform “make-believe” miracles such as turning a gas stove into a refrigerator. That is how marketing works. That is how you would believe that an organic cotton and wool mattress is a 100% orgnaic mattress.

Read again the title and tell me what you think. Got it? If you still can’t get the “actual” picture here, it is all right. I won’t blame you. These days we are so used to see thousands of ads everyday; newspapers, TVs, magazines, stores, hypermarkets, Walmart, and almost everywhere. It is easy to be misled by these types of ads and sometimes we just laughed at how idiot we were when we first read the lines. We didn’t read in between the lines. Our brain is a complex organ yet a stupid one unless we train it to be able to interpret one simple phrase into several meanings.

Whenever you go to a mattress stor and the sales rep told you that their mattresses are made from “organic cotton and wool”, you should be very wary about it. Ask him again; is the mattress made from “organic cotton” and “organic wool”? If he startled a bit (the trick didn’t work), then most probably the mattress he showed is not a 100% natural organic mattress. You have just been tricked into believing that the mattress is totally a organic mattress. This trick is commonly used since it works almost all the time. Why does it work? Because the moment someone said “organic”, your brain picked up that word and interpreted the whole phrase as one; therefor you would believe that the mattress is made from both organic cotton and organic wool.

So how to recognize or identify which mattress is a total 100% natural organic mattress? In my last post, I mentioned about NAOMI, an association that put up some standards to certify a mattress as organic. However, as far as I am concerned, the mattres association has not yet received any recognition from the whole industry that produce natural organic mattress. In other words, the standards produced were more like a self-proclaimed statement by certain companies to create hypes that their mattresses are the only certified organic mattresses. Well, I don’t want to go details about that so I leave that to the experts to decide. However, the standards produced by the so-called association can still be used to get the basic idea to decide whether the mattress is “natural” enough for you or for your kisd. You can visit my post here at Natural Organic Mattress.

Some of the standards listed described what type of wools can be called organic wool. Organic wool should be free from any chemical substances. Chemical-free means the wool should be obtained in an environment that is free from any chemical usage such as the foods given to the sheep (there have to be organic food), the process taken to garnet and card the wool, and so on. If any of these standards are not followed, then the wools produced are no longer 100% organic. But hell, we have been already living in a world full of chemicals (cars’ smokes for instance), why can’t we live with a 90% to 95% organic wool? We may not get the purest but as long as we know that the materials are made from controlled environment, that should be fine. To me, at least.

Wool is used in mattress production due to the fact that it is a plushy material. Plushy means comfort and comfort means you will get a good night sleep. A good nite sleep then means you will wake up from your bed feeling good and fresh like a princess. Or a prince, if you are a guy lol. That is why wool has been used in producing mattresses for years and since now we know the importance of using organic materials for better helath, organic mattress manufacturers have taken efforts to ensure all the materials used are at least 90% to 95% organic.

We all know for fact that kids are exposed to all sorts of threats every day. We do our best to avoid and to prevent bad things from happening to them. Asthma is one of those threats. Can we avoid our kids from getting asthma? Yes, we can but there are no guarantees to that. What we can do though is we have to do our best to avoid using allergenic items around our house. Stop feeding our kids with allergenic foods. Start using organic mattress for our kids.

Another good thing about using wools in producing organic mattress is its ability to insulate where then your body can naturally regulate your body temperature during the nights. You won’t feel hot or cold spots when sleeping and therefore you are less than likely to turn and toss on your bed. In short, you will be sleeping more comfortably on organic mattress than the regular comfort mattress.

How do we avoid our mattress from breeding dust mites? It will cost you a lot to buy repellants to repel dust mites. By the way repellants got chemicals in them and therefore they just defeat our intention to not using inorganic materials in our house. This is where organic mattress gains more popularity than standard mattress. Why? It is because of the wool. From what I have learned, each strand of woll has a coating of lanolin (wool wax or fat) that help to repel dust mites. This is due to the fact that each wool’s strand create a dreary environment that make it impossible for dust mites to settle in. As you know, mites only live in a damp environment. So they just can’t stand the dryness.

I believe so far we have covered few things that you should know before making an informed decision to get yourself a natural organic mattress. There are still few things we need to cover and we will do that in our next discussion.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Natural Organic Mattress

What actually defines an organic mattress? Does it have to be made from totally 100% organic materials to be qualified as an organic mattress? Well, when the term organic mattress was first coined, no one actually able to define the mattress whether it is an organic product or not. We can’t simply define the product by following each of its words’ definitions. It is hard actually to fully understand the concept behind organic mattress. Since people these days are aware of the importance of living in a healthy environment including sleeping on an organic mattress, an association was established to help in defining what is considered as organic mattress and later when the association has been recognized by the country, any organic mattress produced have to follow the guidelines provided by them to be qualified as organic mattress.

The association is commonly known as NAOMI. “NAOMI” is actually an acronym for National Association of Organic Mattress Industry. All mattress manufacturers that are the members of Naomi organization should comply with Naomi’s standard to produce organic mattresses. So far there are eleven guidelines laid down by the National Association of Organic Mattress Industry (NAOMI) for a mattress to be certified by the organization as organic. If any of these guidelines is not followed, then the mattress is considered as “normal mattress” and cannot be called organic mattress. This is where the term "Naomi organic mattress" being coined to differentiate the differences between certified organic mattress and none certified organic matterss.

Guidelines to Qualify an Organic Mattress as an Organic Product

The first thing that a mattress manufacturer should ensure is the mattress has to be free from any synthetic fabrics or fibers. To understand what synthetic fabrics are we should first understand what synthetic fibers are. Synthetic fibers are normally produced from synthetic materials such as petrochemicals. There are also synthetic fibers that are manufactured from natural cellulose such as rayon, nylon, polyester, and zylon. Therefore we can define synthetic fabrics as fabrics that are made from synthetic fibers. To process the synthetic fibers to be available as fabrics, more chemicals are added and therefore the end products contain more chemicals. In other words, any organic mattress to be certified as “organic mattress” should be free from these types of fabrics and fibers.

The second guideline is related to the first guideline where if fabric is used to manufacture the mattress, the fabric used cannot be treated with any sort of toxic chemicals. Chemicals such as “phlates” which I have many times explained in previous posts are chemicals that are toxic and dangerous to health and therefore cannot be used in producing organic mattress. Some companies may claim that the chemicals that they used in organic mattress production are “good” chemicals and not that toxic since they were classified by scientists as low-level chemicals. If you heard such claims, you should avoid from buying that so-called “organic mattress” as the National Association of Organic Mattress Industry has clearly said that none of toxic chemicals should be used in treating the fabrics used to produce organic mattress.

If the organic mattresses produces are using wools, then the organization has outlined another rule to qualify a mattress as organic where the wools should always be from sheep that are have been raised organically. The sheep are not supposed to be fed with chemical-made foods they are breed in chemical-free environments. Later we will go into discussions to check why wools are used in producing organic mattresses.

There are also other rules laid out to qualify the wools to be used in producing organic mattress. Just like the fabrics, the wool used should not be treated with any sort of chemical substances. Therefore the production of the wools has to be from factories that are not producing other chemical-based products such as polyester. Furthermore, the wools used to produce chemical-free organic mattress have to be tested first to ensure that they are free from arsenic and lead. In short, no chemicals should be used in any circumstances. I can see now that this could be the reason why some mattress companies are not producing organic mattresses since the standards and the rules to be complied to are really tough to be precisely followed and practiced.

Other rules that I have left out are more detailed descriptions on what an organic mattress should be made from. I can safely say here that to ensure that an organic mattress is really is an organic product, everything about it should be following organic standards. Starting from the selection of the materials to be used to processing each of the materials and then processing and combining all of the materials, none of them should involve the usage of chemicals. If there is, then the mattress is no longer qualified as organic. It should be sold and quoted as normal mattress.

However, there are exceptions to these rules. Materials such as the thread and the metal springs used in supporting the mattress to be firm and solid have no specific guidelines anywhere in this world to qualify them as being organic or not. Therefore these materials can freely be used in producing organic mattresses. Unless one day someone managed to create organic springs, then maybe for a mattress to be qualified as organic, the mattress should only used organic springs. That may sound funny today but hey who knows, hundreds of years ago no one would believe you that you can speak to someone thousands of kilometers away from you!

As I see it, an organic mattress is supposed to be made from only natural materials. This is my understanding and although it is hard to find one mattress that fit my criteria, I have to be patient to finally find one so that I don't have to feel guilty for not providing my family the best products to protect their health and their life. I don't mind spending thousands to achieve that goal as long as they got the best from me and that's my aim; to provide the best for them.

These days, you are more than likely to stumble into stores that are selling comfort organic cotton mattresses. Either you are in Portland or somewhere else, the possibility is there to find a mattress store. As I have extensively outlined to you what should qualify as organic mattress, you should now be able to identify a mattress to be organic or not. At least, you have some basic ideas on what questions you should ask the mattress sales rep. Isn’t it fun to see the sales rep who looks like Katrina Halili runs to her sales supervisor to get confirmation that the mattress you asked does not contain any phlates? It will be funnier if you know that she was actually asking about the meaning of phlates lol.

That’s all for now and if you are interested to find more information about Organic Mattress in Michigan, you may read that post. I will elaborate more about all organic mattresses either by updating previous posts or through new posts. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to leave your comments. However, I recommend you to read more about mattresses and organic mattresses either from reading “mattress blog” or join any forums that talk about choosing the right mattress for your bed.

Note : From what I have learned from my friends, it seems like the so-called NAOMI association does not have any other members apart from the site who produced the standards to certify a mattress as organic. As far as I am concerned, no one has yet to take the initiative to unify all of the organic mattress manufacturers into one organization.

Organic Cotton Mattress

I have noticed that these days people are quite conscious about their health and how items around their houses can affect their health. Lifestyle is no more about having latest gadgets in the house. Lifestyle is about enjoying a healthy one. A healthy lifestyle means taking care of the family and buying household items that are contributing directly or indirectly to the health. Fortunately, the household items industry is well-informed of this trend and therefore they have taken additional efforts by researching for more ways to manufacture and produce better products. That is why it is quite easy to find organic cotton mattresses in the market.

An organic cotton mattress is considered one of the best solutions to help in preventing breath-related diseases from spreading in the house. Breath-related diseases such as asthma and pneumonia are dangerous diseases especially to babies and kids and therefore it is crucial to choose the right household items to be purchased and placed in your house. Since we live in the era where people are sleeping on mattresses, mattress is the main source of dusts and mites. The mattress’s beddings and pillows as well as bolsters are also sources of dusts and mites. How do we stop the dusts and mites from heaping up in the mattress?

For many years, we don’t even know what it means by organic mattress. We are clueless of the importance of using organic materials in the mattress to prevent unwanted diseases from spreading in our family. We don’t realize that the standard lab-made mattresses that we use contained chemicals that are harmful especially to children. After many years, some researchers found out about this and then we learned about chemicals called “phlates”. Only after that we learned that the “normal synthetic mattress” that we have been using for years is harmful to our kids.

Currently there are many mattress manufacturers that produce organic mattress. Some are made from 100% cottons and some are made from 100% wools. There are also organic mattresses that are made from both cottons and wools. These mattresses are called “organic” since they are made from “organic materials”. Cotton is an organic material. So does wool. Both cotton and wool have special capabilities that qualified them to be processed to make organic mattresses. Even some of their unique capabilities are known to us and yet we don’t realize them.

There are many pros and cons when it comes to using organic mattress. “Pros” are the advantages that are usually cheered by the marketers to build the reputations for organic cotton mattress. “Cons” are disadvantages of using “organic cotton mattress” and as you correctly guessed, they usually are words from traditional synthetic mattress producers. Simmons for example is a well known mattress manufacturer and they have been producing many great mattresses; thanks to their intensive research and developments. However, Simmons is not the first mattress manufacturers that produces organic cotton mattress. Its technology so far is still with the standard synthetic mattress.

So if standard synthetic mattress is bad for your health, why organic cotton mattress is good for your health? The answer to this question is still subjective to this date but we can always conclude that “organic” is always good for your health. Everyone knows this fact. Organic water is always a better choice than recycled water. Organic foods are better than foods that contain chemicals such as preservatives and synthetic flavors. In short, I can assure you that an organic cotton mattress is suitable to produce a good and healthy sleeping environment for your kids as well as for your family. As I have mentioned earlier, cotton is a friendly organic material and that is why it is used widely in producing organic mattress.

Using an organic cotton mattress means you are using a chemical-free mattress. The mattress is made from natural resources such as cotton and wool. Wool is used for various reasons and one of them is because of wool capability of absorbing moist therefore it helps to keep the mattress dry at all times. However, some people are really concern about man-made items and since wools gone through several processes before it can be used, cotton mattresses appear to be 100% natural mattresses.

The Popularity of Organic Cotton Mattress

If there is organic cotton, then there must be conventional cotton. Conventional cottons are produced widely in many countries. Unfortunately, the cotton farms are heavily sprayed with pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used to keep the crops pests-free and fertilized. These pesticides that are commonly used on cotton crops especially in the United States have been identified as chemicals that could cause cancers and therefore they are harmful to humans. Some chemicals are also dangerous since they could cause birth defects and other rare diseases. The worst part is when the cottons are used in clothing productions as well as in furniture industry. During the manufacturing processes, the conventional cottons are added with more toxic chemicals. Would you want to sleep on this kind of mattress?

This is where the natural organic cotton comes into place. The natural organic cottons are considered “natural” and “organic” when they are grown in crops that are not sprayed with any kind of chemicals. If they happened to be planted in sprayed fields, the fields have to be free from being sprayed at least for three years before they are qualified to be chemical-free fields. Of course the cottons produced from these types of crops are lesser in terms of their quality but since they are nurtured naturally, they have more values to human health and therefore if they are used to make household items, they are good for your health.

The natural organic cotton mattress is probably high in price due to its exceptional values. Of course, a good product comes with expensive price tag but I rather spend thousands on this kind of mattress than spending the money to buy synthetic mattress. Why would I waste my money on products that are harmful to my kids and my babies? I would spend my money to buy an organic cotton mattress, an organic mattress cover, toppers, and so on. The more organic products around, I will feel more comfortable and at least my mind is free from thinking about dangerous things that could happen to my kids in my own house.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Organic Mattress for Your Bed

A mattress is put on the bed to ensure that the sleep time is going to be the best time ever. No one wants to sleep on the couch or just barely on the floor only to wake up feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. That is why a mattress is used and for centuries, the mattress has gone through a lot of developments. Mattress has been improved drastically and these days it is common to see a variety of mattresses. People are looking for mattresses that are comfortable to be slept on and in these past few years, people are more into finding a mattress that is also good for their health. There are many types of mattress including comfort mattress and organic mattress.

There are many mattress manufacturers out there and some of them are reputable companies and well-known for producing good and comfort mattress. These companies take the effort to do many researches and they have failed few times before they can successfully manufactured comfort mattresses and good-for-health mattresses. They don’t simply go and produce mattresses just to make some money. No, people these days are more intelligent and more well-informed about many things. If a company is scamming people, then more than likely the news about it will spread across the country in seconds and within hours, the company is down. No one likes to be scammed by anyone especially when it comes to mattress.

How do you define a good mattress or a comfort mattress? This is actually a subjective question and you can have more than one answer. Depending on your needs, the comfort level of the mattress is determined by numerous factors and the only thing that you need to do to make the decision is to test the mattress on your own. You don’t ask your friend to go shopping for mattress on your behalf. The mattress may feel comfort to him or her but not necessarily comfort for you. The only way to decide is to test the mattress on your own.

These days many have realized that the standard comfort mattress is no longer good for health. Some researches performed by scientists have shown a shocked result where there are actually a bunch of chemicals in the standard mattress. These chemicals are responsible to cause asthma and breathing difficulties for children and therefore the mattress is no longer safe for your kids. Thankfully, the alternative to that is to purchase an organic mattress where the mattress is made from natural resources.

Organic mattresses are chemical-free mattress and therefore they are free from any dangerous chemicals. They are made from organic materials such as cottons and wools. Compared to the standard synthetic mattress, organic mattress is much safer since they don’t provoke any complications to anyone’s health especially babies. They are usually designed and created from selected imported wools and natural cotton and therefore they are environmentally friendly. It is a bonus if you can find an organic mattress that is also comfort and later you can enjoy sleeping in peace and feeling great the next morning.

Buying an organic mattress is just like buying the standard synthetic mattress. You should always test the organic mattress at the mattress store by lying down on the mattress for a few minutes. Then only you will be able to decide whether the mattress is comfort enough for you. If you are sleeping with your partner, then it is best to go together with your partner to the mattress store and test the mattress together. If both of you feel comfort on it, then the mattress is the best one for you. It is not necessarily be the most expensive mattress in the store but it can also be a cheap one as long as you are happy with the mattress and you feel comfort enough sleeping or lying down on the mattress.

The best part about using organic mattress is its ability to absorb liquid or moist. Natural wool has this capability and therefore the mattress is kept dry all the time with little effort from you. Apart from that, a mattress that is made from natural wool is also dust-mite resistant and due to this fact, it helps to reduce itching and skin irritation especially for babies and children.

There are many places in the country that are selling organic mattresses. You should always go to few mattress stores before deciding to buy one. Do not fall trap to sales pitch by the mattress sellers. Take their words at face value only and then go to other stores and check whether the information you gathered is wrong. If you happen to get all the right information about the organic mattress that you have decided to purchase, then make sure you test the organic mattress by lying down on the mattress. If you are from Raleigh North Carolina, I believe that there are a lot of mattress stores scattered all over North Carolina.

If you are buying for your children, then I recommend you to purchase the organic mattress. The organic mattress is good for kids’ health since it is free from any chemical substances and in other words, the organic mattress encourages better health. A good and comfort organic mattress is certainly how you keep your family happy and sleep well at nights.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Comfort Mattress in New York NY

We have gone through few discussions on the advantages of using organic mattress against the use of traditional mattress. As we all know by now, the standard mattress is made from synthetic materials and therefore it contains a lot of chemicals that may be dangerous to our health. Yet, there are a lot of reasons why you can still buy the standard comfort mattress. These types of mattress could be covered by mattress protector or some other bedding to avoid direct contact with the mattress. As I have mentioned earlier, the decision is to be made by you and the decision should be based on various factors including the level of comfort that you could achieve when you lie down on the mattress.

For many years a lot of us have been sleeping on the traditional comfort mattress without suffering from any serious disease. Well some may argue on that by saying that you should not wait till it is time to change. Some people would say that prevention is always better than cure. I have to agree to that and to prevent from suffering unwanted health issues, you should take extra steps to ensure that you will be having a good health for the rest of your life. If you are not that concern about your own health, then at least concern about your partner’s health as well as your children’s health as they are as vulnerable as you are.

What I’m trying to say here is it matters to find the best mattress that is comfort and suitable for the whole family. The mattress should be comfort enough for you to sleep on without having to toss and turn on it for hours before you can go to sleep. The mattress should be able to hold you from falling down from the bed at nights. The most important part is the mattress should be able to last for many years since it is expensive and you don’t shop for it every day or every month.

What is comfort to you? How do you define comfort? No one else could decide how comfort something is for you. Not even a doctor or a health specialist knows what comfort is and what is good for you. You should be the one to decide on that. Some people may feel comfort to sleep on a firm mattress but you might not find that feel the same. Who knows, probably you will feel much better to sleep on an air mattress. You have been sleeping uncomfortably for many years (perhaps more than ten years) and finally when you go to the mattress store and the sales rep shows you that mattress, you find it to be really comfort to sleep on to the extent that you almost fall asleep on it in just a few minutes.

Sometimes you thought the mattress that you currently have right now is not the right one but that might not be the case. Perhaps you didn’t know that the mattress that you have right now is actually a one-sided mattress and you have slept on the wrong side of the mattress for years. The moment you turn it to the other side, you might find that the mattress does provide you with the comfort that you want. That is why it is important to understand about the mattress before you purchase any. Listen to what the sales rep says to you. Ask him or her as many questions as possible. They are hired to help you choose but they are not hired to decide for you.

In Michigan, there is a company called Comfort Mattress-Midwest Inc. The mattress company is located in Roseville Michigan and it has been manufacturing comfort mattresses for years since 1994. I couldn’t find any relevant information about this company though but I assume that since the company has managed to stay in production for more than ten years, it might be a recognized company in Michigan that produce comfort mattress.

There are just so many mattress stores in New York City. One of the mattress stores is called Sleepy’s the Mattress Pros which is located at 9th Avenue and it has a wide range of mattresses from comfort mattress to organic mattresses. Sleepys has a website that you could visit and the best part is before you can start look up for the mattress, you can use its own mattress finder where you can choose your preferences from the mattress size, the brand, and also the type of comfort that you are looking for. For instance, if you pick King Size Simmons Beautyrest Ultra Plush mattress, you will be given a list of mattresses that match your earlier preferences.

Sleepys has a lot of mattress stores scattered all over the New York City. There is one store in the 6th Avenue and there is also one at Lexington Avenue #62. You can also find one of the mattress stores at 440 Park Avenue S New York and you should be able to find a mattress that is comfort enough for you. However, based on what I read on the net about this mattress company, it has received a lot of complaints from the users either on the quality of the mattress or the quality of its customer service. Therefore I dare not to put too much hope on finding the best mattress from this store.

However, as I have always said, you should visit the store first and try out the mattress by lying down on it for few minutes to get the feel first. If you think that the mattress is comfortable even after a few minutes, then the mattress might be the one for you. Don’t simply listen to any reviews before you actually try it on your own. I’ve got friends that have been using Sleepy’s products for years and they don’t have much trouble with them. Be careful of what you read and it is always a smart move to make your decision to buy a comfort mattress based on your own experience.

Another mattress company in New York which does not need an introduction is 1-800-Mattress and it offers you a number of comfort mattresses to choose from. The store carries few branded names such as Sealy, Simmons, Serta, King Koil, Tempurpedic mattress, and so on. 1-800-Mattress has a good reputation of providing you the best mattress as well as the best customer service. You may shop for mattress online or by phone with this company. If you are one of those who are lucky enough to receive mattress coupons such as from, you can shop at this New York mattress store. If you don’t have the chance to visit the store, don’t worry, just visit the online page and then call up their expert bedding consultant. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed with their customer service.

There are other stores in New York that are selling comfort mattresses. I’m not sure why I keep on repeating the same advice about finding the best mattress for your bed but I’m sure enough that if you don’t apply the rule of thumb which is to try out the mattress by yourself, then you might end up buying something that is not good for you. I don’t think that you would want to sleep on a mattress that only gives you backache each time you wake up from bed. What you want is a comfort mattress and to ensure that you will purchase a great mattress, please spend some time to read up everything about mattress first. Remember, a healthy life comes from a good night sleep on a good comfort mattress.

Happy shopping!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Should I Buy Organic Mattress?

Many inquiries have been raised in regards to using organic mattress than the usual synthetic mattress. In fact, many among us have finally realized the danger of using synthetic mattress since it contains chemical substances that are hazardous to both adults and babies. Unfortunately, there are no rules being regulated to address this issue correctly and at this point of time, the only rule that has been implemented is the banning of using phthlates in the production of synthetic mattress. You may check out more about this in my previous post Organic Mattress in California.

As I have previously mentioned, there are just so many pros and cons on using either the organic mattress or the synthetic version. Some might say that they have been sleeping on synthetic mattress for many years and yet to suffer from any sort of diseases. The question is, if there are options, would you consider buying a good-for-health mattress? Of course, you would. In order to buy one, you should first ask yourself whether it is going to be a good investment or not. Buying a mattress is not like buying candies where you can buy them anytime anywhere. Buying an organic mattress is an investment that should take enough consideration and full study about the advantages of using it.

What is organic mattress by the way? In simpler words, organic mattress is a chemical-free mattress. The mattress is made from organic materials such as wool or natural cotton. The mattress should not contain any synthetic-made or lab-made substances typically used to produce traditional mattress. You might not aware that traditional synthetic mattress is dangerous to your health since it is made from synthetic polyurethane foam that could provoke serious allergic reaction. If you suffer from asthma or any breathing-related diseases, I recommend you to buy organic mattress as it is good for your health. If any of your family member suffers from the same disease or related, then you should consider buying organic products apart from mattress; including the beddings.

Organic mattresses are traditionally made from imported wools or selected natural cotton and they are environmentally friendly. Wool, for instance, has the capability to absorb moisture and therefore your mattress stays dry all the time. Kids and babies could suffer from serious allergy situations as well as asthma, thus the use of organic mattress can help to prevent these diseases at earlier stage.

Now why do they use natural wool in producing organic mattresses? Natural wool has the tendency to absorb liquid or moist at a high rate and therefore they will keep your mattress dry all the time. Natural wool is also dust mite resistant and therefore it helps to reduce itching and skin irritation while lying on the bed. In short, using an organic mattress that is good for your health, comfortable to sleep on, as well as environmentally friendly is definitely a good investment thus producing a healthy and happy family.

So where you can look for an organic mattress? If you are in Pennsylvania, then I consider you to be lucky enough to have a mattress store that is selling a wide collection of organic mattresses. There is a shop called Organic Mattress Store which claimed to have produced 100% certified organic cotton ticking for their mattresses. They also claimed that they have 100% pure natural wool imported from North California, S.W. Oregon, France, or from Texel in Holland. The Organic Mattress Store also claimed that their mattresses are handmade by their skilled craftsmen and therefore you should expect to see a well-made mattress. It might be hard to choose a mattress once you are there at the store but keep in mind that what you are looking for is not the price of the mattress but rather the advantages of the mattress will bring to you and your family. Don’t bother too much about the price though organic mattresses tend to have higher price than the usual synthetic mattress.

If you are buying for your baby, then let’s take a look at one of their organic mattress for baby. The Organic Mattress Store has a baby mattress that has an innerspring core that is covered with layers of tufted organic cotton pads. The layers are then covered with quilted organic cotton and pure natural wool. The last layer for the mattress is of course the certified organic cotton fabric. In other words, this mattress is definitely a smart choice since it is safe for your baby and reduces the possibility of getting asthma or any other breathing-related diseases.

It may costs you about $400 to get one of these organic mattresses but as I said earlier, it is a good investment for your baby’s future. They are going to spend hours and years on the mattress and therefore I hope you could think wisely about this. The organic mattress is free from any chemical substances and therefore encourages better health. They don’t contained any fire retardant that usually found in usual synthetic-made mattresses. If you buy their mattresses online, then the prices should include the shipping fees as well.

In Pennsylvania, there is also another center that also has a range of products including organic mattresses. It is called Health First Center which is located at Liberty Boulevard, Malvern. The best part is since it is a health center, you should expect to see other health products and services at the center. Reviews from people who have been there claimed that the therapists there are helpful and they could help you to choose the right product, not the most expensive product.

Remember, when buying an organic mattress, what really matters is how well the mattress could help to improve your health or at least you feel comfort while lying on the mattress. Don’t be too paranoid about the diseases caused by synthetic mattresses and fall trap into buying an expensive organic mattress. There are many ways of reducing the impact of usual standard mattress apart from buying an organic mattress. If you really think you should get one, get to know about the materials used in producing an organic mattress so you will gain more knowledge about the mattress. Once you know at what point that would make a mattress an organic one, you will then be able to choose a comfort and good-for-health organic mattress.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Organic Mattress in California

What does it mean by organic mattress and how exactly an organic mattress affect your health as well as your baby’s health? Does it really matter to choose an organic mattress than the standard memory foam mattress? Well, this topic is quite subjective and after several researches performed, I have finally came to a conclusion that your preferences on choosing the right mattress for you and your family depend on what are your concerns and what are your priorities. There are just too many mattress companies out there that have obfuscated us with myths and all ridiculous stories about both synthetic mattress and organic mattress. Therefore it is essential to carefully read all related articles about materials used in producing mattresses before you decide to buy one; either for yourself or for your children.

Let’s take a look at the history of mattress production first before we jump into what it means by organic mattress. As you all know, mattress has a long history back in the ancient time. People created beds first that were raised about a foot or two off the ground simply to avoid dirt as well as pests. However, at that particular time, most probably the mattress consists of a pile of leaves, grass, or possibly straw, all wrapped in probably animal skins. Rome people on the other hand had managed to make mattress that were filled with reeds, hay, or wool and somehow the riches could afford to have a mattress that was filled with feathers.

The technology to produce a good and comfort mattress has rapidly increased over time and finally in 1870, our friend Mr. Zalmon G. Simmons founded his famous mattress company, Simmons Bedding Company. The company’s flagship brand is Beautyrest and since then mattresses have been produced commercially. When they first started, no one has ever mentioned about the benefits of using a comfort mattress and how it could affect our health. Simmons then promoted the benefits of having a good sleep and how it relates to sleeping on a comfort mattress. Starting from that point, many researches have been done by various health organizations and all have suggested one common benefits; a good nice sleep came from a well-made mattress.

So what are the differences between a synthetic mattress and an organic mattress? As you all know, synthetic mattress are made from chemicals and some of the chemicals that are used in producing this mattress are toxic. For instance, the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) has banned chemicals called phthlates which are harmful platicizer chemicals commonly found in crib mattresses and mattress pads. This is where the concern of getting an organic mattress is beginning to raise rapidly amongst the people.

Why is this chemical “phthlates” harmful to children? The “phthlates” are actually a group of chemicals known to affect a child’s developing endocrine or hormonal system, causing the child to suffer from asthma, allergies, and to the extent of getting cancer. Many countries have actually banned this chemical from being used in any products; toys, child care articles, and of course, mattresses. They are hazardous chemicals and therefore there is no doubt that they are hazardous to children.

Unfortunately the banning of using this chemical for mattress production has just been implemented and therefore at the time being, there are no rules being implemented to recall millions of mattresses on the market, containing these chemicals. In other words, you are still exposed to these chemicals if you buy a synthetic mattress and therefore the only solution at this moment would be to buy an organic mattress. No, this is not an advertisement but rather a reminder to you that if you are not so sure about what are the materials used to make a mattress, it is best to try out the organic mattress. In fact, they are as good as the synthetic mattress. And of course, they are safer for your health. If you are buying for your baby, then an organic mattress is your best bet to ensure that your baby receive the best product that is safe for his/her health.

Where can you find these types of chemicals? Well, as you know, babies tend to wet and spit all over the mattress and due to this fact, the mattress becomes damped and with too much moisture in a mattress, it can become an unhealthy haven for bacteria, mold and mildew. Mattress manufacturers have taken a not-too-smart step to avoid this by producing a mattress that is covered with a vinyl waterproof cover. Unfortunately, the hazardous chemical is found inside the vinyl waterproof cover. Let alone the chemical, a vinyl itself is toxic enough since it is a plasticized form of PVC. Did you know that PVC is widely known and considered to be one of the most hazardous plastics these days.

There is no doubt then that an organic mattress is certainly a good investment to reduce the chances for your baby to develop wheezing which could eventually lead to asthma. So if you are buying a mattress for your children, then I suggest you to look for an organic mattress.

How about the waterproof thingy?

Fortunately, companies that have been producing organic mattresses have found a way to replace the hazardous chemicals used in creating the vinyl waterproof cover. They have managed to replace the vinyl by creating a pure food-grade polyethylene which is naturally soft and flexible. This “polyethylene” material does not require any plasticizer additives and therefore it is safe for both your baby and yourself.

Where can you find an organic mattress in California?

I don’t have much time to lookup for all the locations that are selling organic mattresses in California. However, I have chosen few mattress shops scattered around California. Take your time to visit any one of them to get your organic mattress and make sure you ask the sales rep about other benefits of using an organic mattress.

There are few organic mattress shops in Los Angeles. One of them is the Futon Shop which offers organic futon mattresses as well as sofa beds. They have a wide selection of organic mattresses and thank God the prices are reasonable too. The shop is located at 10669 W Pico Boulevard. You might also give them a call first at 310-474-5595 or 800-443-8866.

Another mattress shop is called Mattress Town which is located also at W Pico Boulevard Los Angeles. Mattress Town also offers a wide selection of organic mattress. There is also a warehouse, Mattress Warehouse which is somewhere in Pasadena where you can go to check out the organic mattress.

If you are in San Diego, you can also check out Al Davis Wholesale Furniture as it currently offers discounted mattresses including organic mattresses. There are also varieties of furniture products in the store and most of them are high quality products. Again, get as much information as possible before you go to the store so will have ample knowledge about the mattress that you are going to purchase. Al Davis also offers organic, chemical-free mattresses. They are made from natural quilting materials and pure cotton fabric. These mattresses at Al Davis San Diego shop are all natural with no chemical fire retardants or other chemical substances. As far as I’m concerned, you can get a twin set of an organic mattress at only $499 at this moment at the mattress shop.

Another organic mattress shop in San Diego is called the Sleepcenters. It is located at Balboa Avenue and they have all sorts of mattresses including adjustable one, air beds mattress, and also organic mattress. On the other hands, if you are in San Francisco, you can go to Futon Shop of San Francisco which is located at Cesar Chavez. For your information, the Futon Shop has been producing environmentally friendly organic mattresses for such a long time.

In San Francisco, another mattress shop is called Happy Planet at Irving Street San Francisco. The shop also offers organic mattresses and many have actually recommended this shop (their operating hours are from 12pm to 6pm and they close at Mondays and Tuesdays).

Be conscious about your health. Be conscious too about your baby’s health. Make a wrong decision and you might end up buying a mattress that is hazardous for you and your family. I recommend you to buy an organic mattress as at this time there is no one research that pointing to the unsafe used of organic mattress. However, as I have mentioned few times, it is all about your priorities and what are your budget constrains. Do you think that you still want to stick with your synthetic mattress simply because the organic mattress is more expensive?

Sleep well!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Simmons Beautyrest Classic Mattress

If you are going to buy your first mattress that is comfort enough for both you and your partner, then it is crucial to first read about how to choose the right mattress. You can’t just march into any mattress store and blindly listen to the sales representative boasting about the mattress (which happen to be giving out the highest commission for her) only to find out later that the mattress you purchased from the mattress store does not perform as good as what was told to you. You should spend some time reading on the web; read any sites that offer reviews on any kind of mattress, read comments written anywhere in blogs about comfort mattress and check out specific information for any specific mattress that you already have in mind. This practice could actually help you to decide wisely so in the end you will bring home a mattress that is comfort and suitable for you and your sleeping partner.

The price of the mattress does not necessarily reflect its quality. For instance you can have a king size Simmons Beautyrest mattress for $1460. Its price is expensive but as I told you, this mattress may be a good one for someone else but might not meet your requirements. So you should first look at the mattress’s construction such as the materials used to design the mattress. A mattress that is cheap usually does not have a pocketed spring as it only contains a single length of wire that helps to form the springs. On the other hand, an expensive comfort mattress is probably more expensive due to the fact that each spring rests in its own fabric pocket and as a result, it responds independently to the weight above it.

A mattress feels firmer due to the fact that it has more coils in it than ordinary mattress. In some cases, when thicker wires are used, fewer coils will be used as the wires compensate the lesser amount of coils used. If that is the case, then you should consider the amount of coils in the mattress as well as the gauge of the wire in the coils. This fact will determine the firmness of any mattress. So you can keep that in mind if you prefer to have a firmer mattress to a softer one.

Do you ask your friends to check out for a new mattress for you? No, I don’t think so. If you do, then the possibility to get an uncomfortable mattress is pretty high. Why? Because the best practice to get a good comfort mattress is to search and test the mattress on your own. If you sleep alone, then lie down on the mattress for at least 5 minutes up to 10 minutes (don’t worry about the sales rep lol). If you feel that the mattress is comfortable enough for you even after that period, that indicates that the mattress is suitable enough for you.

What if you are sleeping with your partner? Then it is best to go and buy for the mattress together as both of you can lie down on the mattress to test out its capability to support the weight of both of you as well as whether you could feel the motion made by your partner. If you couldn’t feel a thing or you can barely feel your partner’s moves, then trust me, the mattress is perfect for both of you. Another thing that you should test is whether both of you roll toward each other or not. If yes, then try out another mattress until you find one. If you are buying alone without your partner, don’t worry too much as you could politely ask the sales representative to lie down on the mattress with you. Well, again in this case if the sales rep looks like sexy Hillary Fisher, you’ll be lucky enough to have her lying down on the bed next to you. I wonder how would it feel like to wake up on your favorite bed next to Hillary Fisher hmm…;-)

What else can you do to test out the mattress? You can try to roll on the mattress from the center to the edges. This act could help you to check if the mattress has extra support around the edges of the mattress as you wouldn’t want to slide down from the edge of your mattress when you sit on it or while sleeping. Do not jump though on the mattress as that could damage the inner springs and you might end up paying for it. Just relax and rest on the mattress in the manner as if you are in your bed and trying to sleep. If you could imagine it that way, you could easily tell if the mattress is going to be comfortable for you.

Shopping for a good plush comfort mattress is not like shopping for your daily kitchen items. You don’t buy a mattress every single month. You want a mattress that can last for a long time. Most good comfort mattress these days can last for at least five years up to 10 years. As I have mentioned before to imagine as if you are really going to sleep in your bed, you might as well wear loose and comfortable clothing went you go shopping for a mattress. Trust me, it will certainly helps you to psychologically deceived your mind that it’s time for bed. Unless you normally go to sleep with your jeans on and shoes, try this method and I assure you that you will find the best comfort mattress.

Talking about the mattress quality and its lasting, you should always look at the warranty when buying. Most of the time, premium mattress comes with at least ten-year warranty. So if you found out that there are manufacturing defects on the mattress after you purchased it, you can always return it and you will be compensated with a brand new mattress. Keep in mind though that the warranty are voided if the mattress has stain or soil on it, so make sure you keep the mattress in good condition and clean for few months after buying. Read the labels too just to check the ticking.

If you have some back issues, perhaps you should try the Simmons airbed mattress or Simmons waterbed mattress. They are slightly expensive though but these beds are certainly ideal mattresses especially for couples. These Simmons mattresses are available in four different models; Simmons Lyrical Mattress, Simmons Lullaby Mattress, Simmons Ballad Mattress, and also Simmons Serenade Mattress. Both Ballad mattress and Serenade mattress are designed to maximize comfort and support as they feature more premium fabrics, more quilting as well as additional support layers of memory foam or latex foam.

Airbed mattress is a choice for those with back issues since it has electronically controlled air pockets that adjust the firmness for each person that lies on the bed. This fact is also true for waterbed mattress. Waterbed mattress though is not a choice for you if you have to consider its weight (it’s pretty darn heavy). So you have to ensure that your floor could actually accommodate the waterbed mattress’s weight.

Now what makes a Simmons Beautyrest Classic mattress a smart choice for you? This mattress is designed with 800 pocketed coil units which provide absolute motion separation while at the same time conforming to your body’s unique shape. If you sit on the edge of the Simmons Beautyrest Classic mattress, you should feel comfortable enough and you won’t slide down since the mattress has two rows of Classic edge support springs at the edges. These features will definitely provide you the level of comfort that you need as well as the support that you need whenever you go for bedtime.

This product is available in a variety of other styles and comfort levels. Make sure you probe the Simmons Beautyrest rep nicely so you can test out more of the mattress models in Simmons Beautyrest Classic mattress. If you are looking for comfort, conformability as well as support, then this mattress is definitely for you as there are two layers added in this mattress; premium foams which make the mattress plushy and durable, and also Visco memory foam which is contouring comfort and support of the mattress.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Simmons Mattress

Today we are going to take a look at one of the best mattresses available in the market these days. As you might have already known, Simmons as a mattress manufacturer has been in the mattress industry for such a long time and they have managed to establish a good reputation in making the best mattresses. So far I have never reached a place on the net that gives negative reviews on any of Simmons mattresses. As far as I’m concerned, if that is the case, then there is no doubt the mattresses produced by W Simmons are almost perfect and led the competition amongst mattress manufacturers to be a bit more interesting.

Let’s take a look at one of the best mattresses ever produced so far by Simmons. This mattress has a very long name since it implies the characteristics of the mattress itself. It is called Simmons Beautyrest Classic Adrian Plush Mattress Sets. I am not so sure about the “Adrian” name included in the mattress name, but as far as I’m concerned, the Simmons mattress is certainly a suitable mattress to be brought home by anyone. The mattress is as plushy as what have been told by both the sales representative (no, this time it’s a he, not anymore Hillary Fisher look-alike lol) and the buyers.

This famous Beautyrest Classic mattress comes in six different sizes. The twin size Simmons Beautyrest Classic mattress is 38” by 75” while the twin extra long Beautyrest Adrian Plush mattress is 38” by 80” in size. The full double mattress’s dimension is 53” by 75” (good enough for active singles) while the queen size Simmons Beautyrest dimension’s is 60” by 80”. There are also king size and California King size for this special Classic Adrian Plush mattress. Keep in mind though the mattress sizes may vary a bit about one half inch.

The mattress from Simmons Beautyrest is currently on sale at Macy’s ( I can’t see it being sold at other stores) and it seems like they have slashed down the price pretty much. The last time I checked it was 50% sale for the Simmons mattress. If you are interested in bringing this five plush comfort layers mattress home to solve your sleeping issues, then don’t hesitate to call up Macy’s or you could also try it first at the mattress store.

Most buyers that have purchased the Simmons Beautyrest Classic Adrian mattress have claimed that the mattress is worth to buy since they got up in the morning with much less stiffness and backache. If that is true, then the mattress is rather considerable and worth to buy due to its exceptional quality that exceeds the expectation of the mattress’s price itself. Though I have said before that a one-sided mattress is not as good as the standard two-sided mattress since it can’t be flipped to the other side, the Classic Adrian mattress has managed to diminish that perception, thanks to the manufacturer for its dedication towards making a good comfort mattress.

How long have you been tossing and turning every night on that 20-year mattress of yours? Well this Simmons Beautyrest mattress has been designed specifically to reduce motion caused by those behaviors since it has pocketed coils. The total coil count is 800 and the coil gauge is 15.5. Coil gauge is the thickness of the wire used in innerspring mattress. The mattress has been equipped with two rows of heavier gauge coils which help to increase the mattress’s edge support and somehow maximize sleeping surface. However, this claim might not be lived up to the claim said in the promotion since some buyers claimed that it is hard to sit on the edge of the Simmons Beautyrest classic Adrian plush mattress.

The Adrian plush mattress is 12 inch in height and it meets federal fire-retardant safety standards. The mattress factory also claims that this mattress from Simmons Beautyrest could actually support up to two thousand pounds of pressure for long-lasting durability. The mattress is also said to be suitable for stomach and side sleepers and if you used to wake up in the morning feeling unrest, this mattress might just be the solution for that.

There are just so many pros and cons when it comes to choose between comfort mattress and mattress that support your body in the correct manner. A firm comfort mattress from Simmons for instance has a sturdy sleeping surface and slim layers of cushioning feel. These types of mattress would be great for stomach sleepers while a plushy comfort Simmons mattress has cozy surface feel and preferably better for back and side sleepers.

Now what the heck is a box spring; does anyone know by any chance? It is actually a coiled bed spring a in a frame that is covered with cloth. It helps to hold up the mattress of a bed. Choosing it might not be as important as choosing a comfort mattress. You could give an afterthought anyway. The height of the box spring somehow determines how easy it will be to get in and out of bed. Split box springs is definitely a good choice if you happen to have a narrow hallways or other tight spaces at home. However, since the box spring requires acceptable support, you should first get yourself a good and proper bed frame to adequately fit the size of the comfort mattress.

Let’s take a look at another mattress from Simmons that is called Beautyrest Bathasar. The Simmons Beautyrest Balthasar mattress is actually a good investment as well since the mattress helps to sleep comfortably. Though some people believe that Simmons Beautyrest mattress lacks of resiliency, the Balthasar mattress is certainly a nice mattress. The Balthasar pillow top mattress comes in 4 different sizes; King size beautyrest, queen size, twin size mattress, and full simmons beautyrest mattress.

The mattress’s name is probably taken from the name commonly attributed to one of the Three Wise Men. I doubted that, so I did some research on Balthasar and found out various information about it. It could have been derived from the name of one of Babylonian king’s, Belshazzar. Ok, forget about that as that is not that important. Again with this mattress you don’t have to flip it since it is one-sided mattress and as usual, the mattress is using the Simmons Beautyrest Pocketed Coil Technology.

If you sleep with a partner, then you should know about the famous Simmons Motion Separation Index (MSI). The index is actually put a quantifiable measurement on how much motion will be eliminated when one partner tosses, turns, gets into or out of bed. In short, the Simmons Balthasar mattress reduces motion transfer across the bed and since each spring is independent, it’s barely hard to feel when your partner moves.

I’m going to stop here for a while. I’ll continue with another post later about Simmons mattress. Once again I would like to remind you that you should only lie down on your favorite comfort mattress for sleeping purposes only. Try your best not to do other things on the bed such as watching TV or reading. It helps your body to “understand” that it is time to sleep. No exception, unless of course if you are sleeping with a partner lol.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Comfort Mattress

Most of the time it is hard to choose the right comfort mattress for yourself when you go and search for it online. There is only one simple reason for that; you can’t test by landing yourself on the mattress itself and check the comfort level. Usually people will go to the mattress store or mattress factory and try the mattress there. Taking about ten to fifteen minutes, that period should be enough to decide whether the comfort mattress is suitable for you. Again as I have mentioned in my previous post on Bed Mattress, it depends on what are your needs and which material you feel comfortable with.

Have you ever wondered why some mattress companies offered a trade-in of your old mattress for new one? Is your old mattress has a value? No. Old mattresses have no value whatsoever. The law forbids used mattresses from being resold or reconditioned for resale by anyone. So whenever you hear someone telling you that you can trade-in your old mattress for a brand new one, you should know that that is just one of under-handed tactics used by some mattress factories to deceive you to buy their comfort mattresses.

Another tactics that is quite sneaky is whenever you heard about one-sided mattress. Some people call it no-flip mattress but whichever term is used, they all refer to one same thing; a mattress that can’t be turned to the other side. This type of mattress is cheaper in price since it was designed to only have all the capabilities that a standard mattress has except for one; they can’t be turned to the other side since the other side is no good at all. In my opinion and from the experiences of some people, these type of mattresses could not last as long as the normal two-sided comfort mattress. It’s OK to use them but keep in mind that they won’t last longer like the normal comfort mattress. And if someone approach you and offer these kind of mattresses, make sure you are well-informed about it so you won’t feel cheated in the future.

Do you really care about the benefits of using the best made comfort mattress? You should because comfort mattress these days is made for two basic purposes; help to reduce backache and help you to sleep better. Comfort mattress should be selected with care. No single type of comfort mattress is best for your back. Don’t take words from the sales rep though they keep on using the same words like back care and stuff. None of the comfort mattresses is good for you unless any one of them match your requirements.

What I’m trying to say here is when you hear things like orthopedic mattress or “ortho” mattress, don’t be too sure about that and don’t simply trust the sales rep. They want the best of income for that particular month and perhaps that so-called orthopedic mattress is just the one that they need to sell to you to achieve the highest income ever in that year. Therefore take some time to try several mattresses first before buying. No one should stop you unless you are wearing wet garments or dirty shirts. And another thing that you should keep in mind is a firm mattress does not necessarily means that it is better or more comfort.

Now why I said that it is best to compare as many mattresses as possible? Is it about the comfort level of the mattress? Or is it about the price of the mattress? Well, actually there are just so many misleading claims out there about comfort plushy mattress. A plushy mattress you found at a mattress store might not be that plushy when you go to another store where you might find a mattress that is not at easy-to-see location or eye-level location. There are just so many ways to mislead anybody and everybody when it comes to selling. As a human, we have so many weaknesses that are manipulated by marketers to ensure that we BUY what they WANT to sell.

An orthopedic mattress means nothing to us unless someone explain to us what does it do to our body. Even after someone told us about it, we still don’t really care. What we want is an assurance from someone that the product is good for us. That’s how the game is played. Don’t blame the mattress seller, the power of influencing others are the main reason why we buy things and use things in this life. Unfortunately, since we have got ourselves used to it for many years, it is hard not to put at least some trust whenever someone said something about something.

For example, a sales rep (again, I just love that Hillary Fisher look-alike rep) welcomes you to the mattress store and handed over a catalogue full of pictures of mattresses that the store is selling. There will be few pages; perhaps the front page is showing mattresses on sale and the second page presents list of new mattresses. She will keep an eye on your reaction to the catalog. If you just browse through the pages, she will try first by informing you that the store is currently on sale and you can find discounted mattresses at south wing of the store.

If you don’t show much interest on that information, she will keep herself silent for a while until she detected that you are spending time a bit on the Sealy mattress. From there on it is all up to her to “assist” you to make better decision.

The sales representative might also have studied the customers and their habits. If those who came are elders, she might be showing the orthopedic mattress despite showing the plushy mattress. Why? Because she could tell the elderly couple about the benefits of the orthopedic mattress if used by older people. The possibility to strike a deal is significantly higher for her if she approach it that way.

Alright, let’s get back to our discussion. If you read almost all mattress reviews available online, you might be able to get the best deal of all. Don’t just read review on one site and make judgment on that. Hop on to other sites and get more review on mattress particularly the one that you already have in mind. For instance, if you have set your eyes on the simmons plushy comfort mattress, find as many review as possible about it. Check the ratings including the sellers’ ratings as well as customers’ ratings.

Most people say that simmons mattresses are good. They are equally excellent in comfort level as well as its efficiency in maintaining our body posture. Some of the simmons mattresses are higher in price compared to other mattresses from other manufacturers but based on what you can get from the mattress, I don’t see that as a bad investment. Of course, you don’t always get what you pay for, but as far as simmons is concerned, I have never heard too much complaints about it.

Are you getting confused already? Don’t be. I’m trying to open your mind so you could at least think carefully when buying a comfort mattress. A luxury one does not necessarily better in quality and the cheaper one does not necessarily that cheap, if you know what I mean.

Before I end today’s discussion, let’s take a look at one of the comfort mattresses I found on the net.

It’s called Serta Sertapedic Gavin Cushion Comfort Mattress. The price is quite reasonable where at $431 you can get a full size comfort mattress. Furthermore, you will get up to 15% off plus free Serta bed sheets. The serta comfort mattress is made from layers of plushy plush foam, fireblocker, temperature control pillo-fill fiber, firm foam topper, and also coil system.

The plush foam of course is used in designing this serta comfort mattress to add additional plushness feel to the surface of the mattress. Wait, I know you wanted to know so much what does it mean by fireblocker. The “fireblocker” system is an advanced fiber system located among the outer layers of the comfort mattress and box spring. It helps to isolate the impact of a fire (ok, I got it!) and blocks its spread into the comfort mattress. Serta claimed that their mattresses that are installed with this fireblocker layer exceed existing state and federal residential open-flame resistance standards.

The firm foam layer is self-explanatory where it adds additional firmness feel to the surface of the comfort mattress from Serta. Remember, a firm comfort mattress does not necessarily it is a better bed. For the full size comfort mattress, there will be 336 coils which are using the Bonnell Coil System.

This comfort mattress, however, is one of the one-sided mattresses I have spoken about just now. This is due to the fact that the coil layer is layered at the bottom of the mattress. In other words you can’t flip this mattress. Don’t worry though, there is 5-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects (first year non-prorated).

I guess that’s all for now. I don’t know why I always want to remind you this message but I believe it is crucial to keep it mind at all time; nothing is free in this world. Don’t be deceived by free financing or free delivery claims. To some extent, don’t even believe when they offer you free bed sheets or free ten comfort pillows. Your mission is the mattress. Get the right comfort mattress first before you take the side offers into consideration.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bed Mattress

Sleeping comfortably is hard to achieve since many factors should be taken care of to achieve it. There are just myriad aspects to look at and once you have figured out what could lead you to a nicer sleep, you will find yourself to be sleeping really well and you will eventually wake up feeling fresh like newborn. However, most of the time this is hard to achieve and trust me, nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep well; turning and turning and tossing around like a mad man.

One of the main factors is due to your mind keeps on going over everything that happened on that particular day. Perhaps you were thinking how the heck your wife found out that you have been secretly smoking behind her. Or maybe you were trying to figure out how to earn more money the next day after successfully sold five mattresses today; if you are a mattress seller. No matter what the reasons are, if you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, it is best to get up and do something boring like reading this ugly blog about mattress and its advantages. Or you can also take one of your high school textbooks specifically on your most hated subject (like math) and read it till you feel sleepy.

If you are not sleepy, don’t try to sleep though you have a comfort mattress or an Englander mattress. They won’t help you at all if you don’t feel sleepy because you can only sleep when you are sleepy and once you are sleepy, you are ready to go to bed and land yourself onto the comfort Englander mattress. Trust me, this will significantly reduce the time you are awake in bed. However, if you do want to sleep even when you are not sleepy, do like what I said before where you can just sit in the dark and try your best to read the most boring article in the world such as your DVD manual or maybe your Englander mattress’s brochure.

I know it is hard to get up and go to bed the same time every day especially if you are a busy man either at workplace or at your home. Most of the time after coming back from home around 6pm or 7pm, you will first relax yourself at the living room and turned on the TV, watching any program that is aired at that time. Keep doing that if you want to but please try not to take a nap as avoiding it will let you to be tired enough during bedtime around 10pm or 11pm. If you have to, then don’t take it more than an hour. Once you feel sleepy around 11pm, straight away go to bed and sleep on the Englander mattress and then sleep deeply till morning at 7am. Repeat it again day after day and once your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will definitely sleep better.

Do I need a mattress to sleep?

Sleeping with a mattress is comfortable enough to let you to sleep cozily without any interruption. It doesn’t really matter what type of mattress you are using but simply by having it will add to the excitements in the bedroom and helps you to sleep better. there are just thousands of mattresses in the world and just take some time to choose any quality mattress that you think is comfort enough for you (and your partner). The best mattress is not the best in the market but rather the best mattress for you and your partner. You might be buying a $2000 mattress due to the fact that the sales rep is a hot blonde or looks like Hillary Fisher the Hooter but that won’t help you at all. Why? Because you might not be sleeping at all since your mind would constantly racing to think how would it be to find yourself waking up next to Hillary Fisher look-alike.

Ok, I admit that the mattress could somehow helps you to have a better sleep. For example, Simmons Beautyrest Birch Plush Firm Full Mattress from Beautyrest might cost you more than a thousand dollars but I could say the mattress is just so comfort that you would be sleeping like a baby for hours. Yes, you can dream about your “Hillary Fisher” look alike while sleeping on this particular Simmons mattress and the dream should be a great one lol.

Well that simmons mattress might be cool enough for a couple but what if you are still single and you prefer to have a single bed?

Then a coiled mattress would be good enough for you and you only. you can just get a coiled Sealy posturepedic mattress that is made dedicatedly for singles and heavier individuals. You may be single but don’t use that as an excuse to not having a good sleeping mattress. You need a good sleep mattress for both your sleeping needs and your body health. Think about it, you may be 20 now but 10 years from now you will be 30 and don’t let your body to suffer from backache at such a young age due to regular sleeping on bad mattress.

Is it that important to choose the best mattresses? Yes, it is if your intention is to ensure that you will get the best sleep ever. Buying a mattress is certainly a good investment and therefore it is essential to choose the right mattress. Most important is, choose the most comfort mattress. Comfort mattress might not look that luxurious but its coziness is what you actually need. There’s no point of buying a mattress that is expensive in price but lack of comfort and has a long term side effect.

How about a super pillow top mattress? As far as I’m concerned, this special pillow top mattress is a favorite among those who enjoy a plusher feel that conforms to your body. To me, the pillow top mattress is also plushy to the mind of mine! If you prefer to have this pillow top version, you may take a look at it from Serta Perfect Sleeper Grandis. The pillow top mattress has two extra layers of memory foam than what you can get from Fairmont mattress therefore it helps very much with conforming to your pampered body and somehow has the effect of reducing pressure points. I should say the price of pillow top mattress is reasonable enough comparing to what it can offer to you and your body.

In the US, I believe you are familiar with US Mattress. Since the company is factory authorized, it only carries branded names such as Sealy mattress, Serta mattress, Simmons mattress, Bassett, and also Spring Air mattress. There are other mattresses with established names but it is best if you take a long walk in the store to experience on your own which mattress is the best for you and your couple. Remember, if you can find the right mattress set, you are only one step left to getting a better sleep. Depending on what your priorities are, you can choose from various sorts of mattresses and different sizes; from twin size to king size.

Again, it is up to you to choose a quality mattress. Whatever your priorities are, a quality mattress depends on how well the manufacturer designed it to meet both comfort level and healthcare. Compare mattress with care and by buying mattress that is suitable for you, there is no need to worry much about having sleeping disorder. However, as I have already mentioned above, you should first allow your body to know that it is time to sleep by training your mind efficiently. Do not take too much concern of the mattress ratings which could just be a hype created to influence you.

As a consumer, it is essential to listen to yourself first. Only take what the sales representative said to you as face value as she (Hillary Fisher look alike) might just want to encourage you to take the mattress that is giving her more income. She might also just want to catch up with her quota for that month for certain mattress. So remember to ask her for each and every mattress that is available in the store so you can decide on your own. By the way, that would be a good tips to let her stay with you for some time and who knows you are lucky enough to get her number lol.

Is it worth it to buy a cheap mattress?

Cheap mattress may be way cheaper than standard mattress but most of the time they are lack of both the level of comfort as well as its care to your health. Cheap mattress tends to lose its plushy characteristic after few months and you would be tossing and turning again for hours on your bed. They are not good for your body posture too and therefore the mattress in my opinion is not worth buying.

Discounted mattress is another thing and they are not at all the same with cheap mattress. Discount mattresses are usually mattresses that are not anymore produced since the company has concentrated on producing other better mattresses. That would mean that the mattress may lack few small things than its descendents but still it is worth to buy this type of mattress. In other words, discount mattress is just as good as the other mattresses and if you have limited budget, you should give it a thought and maybe purchase the mattress. Don’t worry since you can always save some money for future purchasing of better mattress but for now the discounted mattress would be great enough for you to enjoy better sleep.

Apart from going to the mattress store on your own, you can also buy mattress online. These days there are just so many of them to be found online and most of the time there are no delivery charges. Take that as an advantage for you but since you can’t actually experience how the mattress feels like, take your time to make comparison of which mattress is the best. As I said, don’t simply believe the mattress ratings. Check yourself first; what do you want and what you actually want to have in your bedroom especially on your bed. Check at least four or five online mattress websites before you make your final decision.

In my next post I'm going to discuss more about other types of mattress and I'll make some comparisons based on my own experience or other people experiences. Remember, a cool and quiet room is always the best to set your mood to sleep. Buy a nice bed and beddings and a comfort mattress.

Wish you all the best.
Is there a difference between organic mattress and the old mattress?